Qbao Network
Qbao Network
Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • ETH
  • ERC20
  • QTUM
  • QRC20
You control your private keys
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


Qbao Network is a multi-functional cross-chain digital wallet, which aims to create a blockchain ecological platform and the entrance to the blockchain world. Qbao Network integrates a cross-chain multi-currency digital wallet, payment Settlement platform, digital asset management platform, currency trading platform, DAPP store, social group, information market, serving global digital currency users, providing users with a cross-chain, decentralized, safe and easy-to-use digital asset platform, one-stop It meets the needs of people in various aspects such as digital currency payment and settlement, digital asset management, digital asset trading, DAPP mall, information acquisition, social communication, etc., and provides users around the world with an entrance to participate in the life of the digital economy.

Since Qbao Network went live on October 24, 2017, it has attracted millions of users around the world. Qbao Network currently supports four languages: Korean, Chinese, English, and Japanese. Customers All over South Korea, China, the United States, Japan, Malaysia and many other countries.