Square的母公司Block公布的财报显示了以Cash App为核心的金融服务生态系统的演变。
由Jack Dorsey控制的金融服务和技术业务Block刚刚完成了其新型5nm比特币挖矿芯片的原型设计。这样做是为了分散比特币矿机的供应。
推特创办人Jack Dorsey旗下支付平台Block(前身为Square)公布2022第四季及全年财报,第四季度净收入为46.5亿美元,比2021年同期增长14%。
据报道,美国移动支付公司 Block 已经放慢招聘速度,2022 年的投资目标也削减了 2.5 亿美元,主要是因为比特币价格下跌,公司第二季度出现亏损。
Block是一家支持比特币(BTC)的公司,拥有Cash App、Square和Afterpay,将在2022年继续增长。根据其致股东的信,2022年第一季度,毛利润“同比增长34%”。
Block 不再希望被视为一家纯粹的支付公司。当地时间周三,这家总部位于旧金山的公司举行了五年来的第一个投资者日,高管们表示,公司将围绕比特币打造一个多元化的“生态系统”。
Recently, US mobile payment giant Block (formerly Square) announced that its Cash app Cash has integrated Lightning Network, allowing users to exchange Bitcoin for free.
Global Payments Block (formerly Square) announced today (19) that it is integrating the Lightning Network into its popular payment app, App Cash.
Block Inc (formerly Square) will begin mining Bitcoin for individuals and businesses around the world using silicon-based and open-source mining.
In October last year, Jack Dorsey, CEO of the American financial services company Square (later renamed Block), launched the Bitcoin mining system as a legal chip and it opens up space for human use. and commercial. he decided to do it. used worldwide.
Block, payment firm Jack Dorsey, formerly known as Square, has announced that it will start trading Bitcoin mining.
Digital payments company Block (formerly Square) has announced that its cash app users will be able to offer crypto giveaways and giveaways to friends and family during the holidays.
Square Inc., a digital, tech and financial giant EST said in a statement Wednesday afternoon that it had changed its name to Block to disrupt the company's business operations.
推特创始人Jack Dorsey领导的支付公司Square周三宣布将更名为Block,新名称将于12月10日生效,Block仍将在纳斯达克以SQ股票代码交易。
在周三的一条推文中,Square表示,更名后的支付公司将与Cash App、去中心化比特币交易所项目tbDEX以及音乐和视频流媒体平台Tidal结合。