HundredFinance announced a 37,500 FTM airdrop for the veHND host.

2022-1-14 23:15
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By law, Hundred Finance announced that it would purchase Airdrop Phantom (FTM) tokens for holding cross-chain veHNDs. Previously, Phantom announced 370 million FTM upgrades. Hundreds of funds can receive a total of 900,000 FTM over 12 months. Ahead of the announcement, Fault Crush will deliver the first split and second snapshot based on Arbitrum, Fantom, and Harmony's equivalent of channel snapshots. All eligible users must submit the request to Fantom Opera.

BTC broke $43,000
BTC broke through the $43,000 mark and is currently down 0.44% intraday at $43,007.36. Market trading is very efficient, so please manage your risk well.
2022-1-14 22:55