时尚品牌古驰(Gucci) 2 月将推出与 Superplastic 合作的 NFT 项目,这是 Gucci 进军 NFT 的首个项目,据官网描述,购买NFT 者將获赠来自 Gucci 设计的意大利手工陶瓷。
自 2015 年以来一直存在的以太坊在区块链中用于打开合同。去中心化应用程序的运行不受第三方欺诈或干扰。
As Elon Musk said, “the best results are the best”. Here are five unusual predictions for web3, and I'll explain how we came up with the idea below.
You may have heard more and more about NFTs lately. It's called the Non-Fungible Token, and its meaning and function is black magic for many people.