眼下微软、索尼和 Embracer Group 等厂商,正通过收购游戏公司扩张势力版图,比如Take-Two 收购 Zynga 和微软计划收购动视暴雪。
想象有一天,代表个人的符号不再停留在现实,不用整形也能换脸。虚拟身份能满足不真实的美好与真实的不美好 ,成为寄托美好的载体,赋予现实回馈感。
"The layout of the metaverse should be a design project." A neighbor of the deal told Jinghe. It will be an in-depth setup, one by one, breaking down Tencent into hardware, software, and operations.
Discord has the opportunity to be a natural resource for the Metaverse. Since this is a tool with great potential, every measurement experience will be affected by its measurement.
'Star Wars: The Devil' was created by Quantic Dreams (later 'QD Studio'), and the storyline took place during the Pick Republic era.
On December 10, Hua Xiaolou X Xu Mengyuan's virtual concert went as planned. The first project "Music Metaverse" was started by Mini Creators "Mini World" and QQ Music, which aims to explore "virtual interactive stages" and provide users with an immersive visual experience.
Today we enter the second chapter of our discussion of realism, virtual reality and intelligence. Neil Stephenson has been with Magic Leap for 5 years as Director of Research.
How to integrate esport and the sports community on the blockchain? Maybe Hong Kong-based esports startup Talon Esports is a good example.
虚幻引擎销售副总裁内森·托马斯(Nathan Thomas)认为Unreal Engine 一直深耕游戏业务。过去,许多工作室在开发新游戏时,喜欢使用自研引擎。
11月24日,由Imagination联合竞核共同举办的元宇宙算力新基建闭门沙龙在上海圆满落幕。 元宇宙作为近期大火的概念,就如同哈姆雷特。
Metaverse赛道,百亿美金独角兽呼之欲出。11月23日,《Pokémon Go》研发商Niantic宣布完成3亿美元融资,估值达到90亿美元。
美国当地时间10月28日,在Facebook 一年一度的Connect大会上,CEO 马克·扎克伯格正式宣布公司全新名字“Meta”(元),并展开释意。