曾被称为“加密货币女王”的鲁亚·伊格纳托娃(Ruja Ignatova)本周四被美国FBI列入十大通缉逃犯名单,她是历史上第11位被列入该名单的女性,也是现在该名单内的唯一女性。
据相关媒体4月28日报道,哔哩哔哩(Bilibli)为海外用户授权发布“Cheers UP”系列NFT,该系列包含在以太坊上发布的10000枚头像类NFT,这或是国内互联网大厂的第一批以太坊版本NFT。
As the Fed's monetary policy shifted from dove to eagle, the US stock market began to recover from all-time highs, the cryptocurrency market also fell, and Bitcoin fell below $35,000.
How much does it cost to buy an NBA team? How much does it cost to buy a copy of U.S. Law at Sotheby's? These were abandoned in the past and had no effect on the population, and were not in the custody of ordinary people until "DAO" appeared.
After CryptoPunks, Bored Ape, and Pudgy Penguins swept away all major media ads, Phanta Bear is now NFT's most popular profile picture.
Since the start of 2022, Bitcoin has fallen for seven consecutive days. It fell 15.3%, from its Jan. 1 high of $ 47,954 / coin to its Jan. 7 low of $ 40,610 / coin. Currently, the value of Ethereum is $ 3,212 apiece, down 17.6% from the start of the year.
According to comprehensive research data from the Research Institute for Future Research (MRFR), the Web 3.0 blockchain mass market will grow from a healthy CAGR until 2030.
Investments in the Meta Universe have become popular and Li Ka-shing's business in Victoria Harbor is just starting to expand, with the first investment being set in "Number One Player", where Tye Sheridan (Tye Sheridan) developed the AI technology, the provider of Wonder Dynamics.
In the past two months, as the national virtual currency trading and mining platform has become sophisticated, all the integration of virtual currency trading and mining platforms has also gone into the account. backwards.
NFT 是最近流行的脱胎于区块链热潮的新兴概念。美国乔治亚州立大学区块链实验室的伊丽莎白·斯特里克勒(Elizabeth Strickler)在她最近的演讲中说,“NFT”是现在正在改变数字体验的三个字母。