James Mackintosh在《华尔街日报》发文,表示通常发生危机时,投资者可以指望美联储出手拯救。但如果这次驻扎在乌克兰边境的俄罗斯军队发动一场欧陆战争,美联储对市场的帮助可能不如往常。
For $68.7 billion or more in cash, Microsoft on Tuesday abruptly launched its "financial might" to announce its acquisition of Activision Blizzard, which made many "not human" video game fans think. ."
Animoca Brands on Tuesday announced that it has raised nearly $360 million in a new funding round worth $5.4 billion for the Hong Kong-based blockchain gaming industry.
Aaron Tilley of the Wall Street Journal has published a special report on metaverse trafficking. As Meta announces its entry into the Metaverse market, Microsoft and Apple have started recruiting, the statement said.
The Economist published an article examining why investors dislike gold in the face of rising inflation, financial investment, and politics. It is not as reliable as cryptocurrency.
Central bank policy is emerging in the digital currency debate for 2022, as the Fed adopted hawkish policies last year, weakening cryptocurrencies and other assets that remain intact.
“The Economist” tells the story of what made these four people the leaders of the encryption industry, and who will become the most important people in the history of commercial encryption.
In the real world, the real estate market in China has entered "winter", and in the virtual world, the real estate market is booming and information updates are constantly developed.
Bloomberg analyst Lionel Laurent said that many seasoned investors have ignored the legal and regulatory issues in the cryptocurrency market.
福布斯杂志的Michael del Castillo报道了温克沃斯兄弟最近的动向,自从他们与扎克伯格因脸书而决裂后,就开始投资加密币行业,建立了加密币交易平台双子座。
Leo Lewis在金融时报发表文章,日本在25年前提出了“家里蹲”(御宅族)这个概念,但这并不是日本独有的现象,很多国家都有这样待在家里、恐惧社交的年轻人,在这样的大背景下,我们迎来了元宇宙时代。