他在2020年12月被福布斯评为加密领域最有趣的新人,而他创办的公司 MicroStrategy 也成为购买比特币的中坚力量。
Recently, the Central Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and the government decided to ban all cryptocurrencies. In April 2018, SBP banned financial service providers from promoting and using virtual currencies and banned domestic and foreign money from interfering with payments and returns. .
Ray Dalio recently accepted this when responding to investors who share 1-2% of their investment in Bitcoin. And before that, it was revealed that he had bitcoin.
The President of Kazakhstan has declared a "state of emergency" throughout the region, and due to the rise in LNG prices, protests have started in several cities since January 2 and have gradually intensified for the big strike .
2021年初,NBA Top Shot 的出现,让 NFT 成功出圈。后来 Beeple 的作品拍出6900万美元的天价,接着Bored Ape Yacht Club等不断推高浪潮。后来甚至万物皆可 NFT。
The Central Bank of Russia announced yesterday that it will monitor all personal transactions of banks by 2022, primarily to combat online gambling and cryptocurrency fraud.
Although Defi or NFT is still gaining popularity, many organizations, platforms and projects are still emerging, and many financial theaters are emerging immediately. Now, GameFi has also gained popularity due to the many financial ventures carried out through the original process of Defi and NFT.
Russian and Ukrainian police have arrested illegal crypto mines suspected of stealing electricity. Underground mines are found in the cities of Kiev and Moscow, and around the Russian Republic of Dagestan.
根据 Mt. Gox 受托人 Nobuaki Kobayashi 周二发布的公告,最初于 2 月提交给东京地方法院的索赔计划现在是“最终的且具有约束力的”。
前两天,根据彭博亿万富豪指数,他的净资产为 2430 亿美元,超过 Bill Gates 与 Warren E. Buffett 资产的总和,再次成为世界首富。
根据区块链浏览器 的数据,周二,比特币网络再次发布挖矿难度调整,上涨3.2%,达到近 19 万亿的难度率。
近日,在委内瑞拉有人使用 USDT 购买公寓。而且,其国内几家地产企业,多数都接受加密货币支付。在这个国家,用加密货币支付,并不是新闻。
伊朗负责法律事务的副总统表示,目前的法规并不禁止数字货币兑换。据当地媒体报道,该部门已在与 ICT 行业协会的通信中表明了其立场,该协会想知道哪些规则适用于加密货币交易。
2014 年,位于纽约德累斯顿的 Lockwood Hills 垃圾填埋场被 Greenidge 的子公司 Lockwood Hills LLC 收购。
2010年11月,Bitcoin ABC 团队负责人和首席开发者 Amaury Séchet(阿毛里)第一次了解比特币是通过一篇法文文章。